We are blockchain wizards, a team of software engineers and experts in Web3, DeFi, Play2Earn, smart contracts.



NFT Integration
Play-to-Earn Games
Explore the world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to revolutionize in-game assets. With NFT integration, players can truly own and trade unique items, adding a new layer of excitement and value to your game.
API Development
Create secure and efficient APIs that facilitate seamless communication between game clients and the server. Our APIs are designed to support a dynamic and interactive gaming environment.
Harness the power of blockchain to enable secure and transparent ownership of in-game assets. Implement blockchain-based smart contracts for peer-to-peer asset trading, unlocking new possibilities for players.
Token Bridges
Unlock the universe’s potential. Tokens seamlessly traverse blockchains (NFT and ERC-20 tokens), transcending the virtual realm and embedding your game within the metaverse. In-game worth blossoms into significance beyond, creating a symphony of value.
This is one the most successful P2E projects which is being in progress since 2022. The client's goal was to implement the game and the entire metaverse in the world of Web 3.0.
What is the project about?
77-Bit’s multiverse is driven by an immersive story you can follow in the manga series. It tells the story of Fanfaron as he travels the multiverse trying to save mankind from his own mistakes.

The year is 2077. The world has been taken over by Cyborg from another domain. An invention that would have revolutionised the world brought about quite a different revolution, as an explosion during testing apparently opened a door between realms, allowing the denizens of the internet into our dimension. Since their arrival, Cyborg have killed vast swathes of humanity, and bound those who survive in a kind of virtual servitude.

The Team
Our team includes a front-end developer, two back-end developers, a QA engineer, a project manager (PM), and a DevOps expert.

How We Helped
We connected the game with blockchain technology, made several ways for users to sign in, and analyzed smart contracts. Now, we're working on creating new smart contracts for the game.